Construct a new Hororata Community Centre on the domain in 2023/24

This option provides for a new purpose-built facility to be located on the reserve. It would provide community space, support recreational use of the reserve and create a focal point for the local community.
If a new facility is built, the Council would not continue to support the existing hall and this may be transferred to the local heritage group.
The new facility would not be as large as previously proposed, considering the size of population in this area, the low use of the existing hall, and proximity to other Council-owned facilities, such as Glentunnel Hall.
Up to $3 million, funded from a combination of community fundraising, development contributions, land sales and borrowing. Plus ongoing operating and maintenance costs.
Impact on rates
The cost of the new facility has a rate impact equal to $2 per year, which is already provided for within the budgeted Community Centres Targeted Rate and assumes the debt is repaid over 25 years. This relies on the fundraising by the Trust.
Impact on debt
We would need to borrow an extra $0.4 million. This relies on the fund raising by the Trust. The loan would be repaid by the districtwide Community Centres Targeted Rate.
Option 1 is our preferred option. We propose to develop a new purpose-built facility on the reserve, supporting recreational use of the reserve and at the same time providing for community space. This option is favoured as it provides a better facility for the community, and avoids the risks associated with renovating an old building.
Consultation has concluded