Renovate the existing hall (a current area of 168m²) and provide new meeting spaces (125m²) for the community and playcentre (107m²) on the current site in 2023/24

Option 2 provides for the original heritage part of the hall to be restored, with the later additions removed. A separate annex would be built to provide for community meeting space and to accommodate the playcentre. This option preserves the heritage values of the hall building and creates additional space for community uses but, being a stand-alone facility, does not help to support recreational use of the reserve.
$3.3 million funded from a combination of community fundraising and borrowing. Plus ongoing operating and maintenance costs. There’s also a risk of further costs being identified once work begins, as a result of the building’s heritage status.
Impact on rates
The cost of the new facility has a rate impact equal to $4 per year, which is already provided for within the budgeted Community Centres Targeted Rate and assumes the debt is repaid over 25 years. This relies on the fundraising by the Trust.
Impact on debt
We would need to borrow an extra $1.3 million. This relies on the fund raising by the Trust. This would be repaid by the district-wide Community Centres Targeted Rate.
Consultation has concluded