About your rates
If you’re a Selwyn ratepayer, you’re one of around 26,000 property owners who contribute through their rates to the huge range of activities, services and facilities that the Council provides for your community.
Your rates contribution is made up of a combination of general rate and targeted rates. Other sources of funding include fees and charges, development contributions, subsidies and grants.
General rate
The general rate funds a wide range of Council services and facilities that benefit the whole district. The general rate also includes a Uniform Annual General Charge component, which is not related to property value. Here’s a rough guide to how your general rates dollar is used for the community good.
Targeted rates
Targeted rates are used where a Council service or facility provides a benefit to a particular group of ratepayers or location. Some of the key services and facilities provided through targeted rates (where applicable) include:
- Libraries network $225
- Recreation reserves $135
- Water supply $264 (plus a volume based rate)
- Stormwater network $98
- Wastewater network $542
- Water races $24 (plus additional charges where service is provided)
- Canterbury Museum $31
- Community centres $175
- Refuse and recycling $115 (fixed rate, plus charges for bins where provided)
- Swimming pools $45–$181 (based on proximity to Selwyn Aquatic Centre)
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