Coming up in 2020/21
District and local projects planned in 2020/21
We have a busy work programme ahead in 2020/21 as we continue to invest in the services, facilities and infrastructure that our growing communities need. Here’s a summary of some of the significant district projects that are already scheduled in our work programme for the coming year.
Township maintenance contracts
The Council has made provision for an additional $263,000 in township maintenance budgets for the 2020/21 year, bringing the total budget to $751,000. This covers a range of maintenance elements including tree maintenance, garden mulch, planting replacement, playground undersurface and footpath lighting. The increase reflects township growth with the number of new reserves being vested in the Council.
Subsidised maintenance and renewals
Funding provided by the NZ Transport Agency through the National Land Transport Plan (NLTP) has resulted in Selwyn’s subsidised maintenance and renewals program increasing by 25% from $32 million to $40 million over three years. This will assist in meeting the increasing maintenance requirements on the transportation network arising from sustained growth in population and traffic volumes. Pressure on the roading programme may require us to review funding in the future, including the level of rate contribution.
Solid Waste
Reconnect project – Pines Resource Recovery Park
Work has begun on this staged project to expand and improve facilities at the district’s primary resource recovery park. Work planned in 2020/21 includes initial work on the development of a reuse shop, salvage material yard and education centre.
Structure plans
Funding has been set aside in the coming year for reviews of the Rolleston, Lincoln and Prebbleton structure plans, and potentially development of a structure plan for West Melton. The Council will also start work on Township Structure Plans for Darfield and Leeston, as required by the Malvern and Ellesmere Area Plans. These plans are important in providing for future growth of these townships.
Water supply
Water supply reticulation and scheme capacity upgrades and renewals are planned in the coming year for Darfield, Hororata-Acheron, Kirwee, Leeston, Lincoln, Prebbleton and Rolleston.
Water treatment upgrades continue this year with the expectation that all water supplies, regardless of groundwater security status, will have UV treatment and provision for emergency chlorination.
Leeston flood bypass
Work will commence this autumn on the Stage 3 Volkman Road Drain upgrade, while Stage 4 is expected to proceed from next spring.
Hororata stormwater projects
Hororata township has been subject to the effects of a number of rainstorm events over recent years. We have an agreed work plan to improve stormwater management in the township. This will follow on from recent work including clearance on the Downs Road drain, improving the flow in Cordy’s stream and reducing flow impediments in the Hororata River.
Major projects planned in the coming year include the construction of two additional solar drying hall lanes at the Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is to cater for continuing population growth in our eastern urban centres, and will effectively double the capacity of the solar drying process.
In 2020/21 we also expect to commence design and construction of an additional clarifier and to upgrade the current sludge digester at the Pines plant.
Reticulation upgrades will be undertaken across several townships in the Eastern Selwyn and Ellesmere wastewater areas. Upgrading of the Castle Hill and Lincoln oxidation ponds are also scheduled in this coming year.
District Plan Review
The review of our district planning “rule book” reaches a key milestone in the coming months. Following initial consultation in 2018, the Council has undertaken widespread engagement with landowners and stakeholders on draft rules and policies. A draft Proposed Plan is nearing completion and will be ready for formal notification and submissions in mid-2020. Following those stages of the process, hearings are scheduled for around November 2020. It’s expected that the Proposed District Plan will be fully in place, subject to any Environment Court appeals, by mid-2022.
Anyone wanting to have a further say on the future District Plan and to see the detailed draft provisions will have the opportunity when the plan is notified for formal public consultation later this year.
Consultation has concluded