Leeston Community Centre
Reviewing wider community needs
In the Long-Term Plan 2018–2028 we also proposed developing a new community centre at Leeston, which currently does not have a purpose-built community facility. This was scheduled for 2025/26. In 2019, an assessment of the current Leeston Library building, which also houses the medical centre, showed it was earthquake- prone. While the building has been made safe for continued use in the interim, in the long term the building will have to be significantly upgraded or replaced.
What’s proposed?
Option 1: Our preferred option
Review wider community needs for facilities in Leeston
The Council now wants to review the original community centre proposals to take account of local needs for library, medical and other facilities. This would also involve deferring a proposed extension to Leeston Park, while the wider community needs are explored.
Reviewing the project will allow more opportunity to broaden the scope of the project, consider the range of community views on the type of facility required, and determine the best location for a centre.
Impact on rates: This option would not have any impact on rates in the current year as the facility was not scheduled until 2025/26. The rates impact from any new proposal would be subject to consultation through a future Long-Term Plan or Annual Plan.
What are the other options?
Option 2: Proceed with the project, as proposed in the LTP 2018–2028, in the 2025/26 year
Outcomes: The facility would not meet community expectations or Council requirements and would likely result in higher long-term costs, arising from the repair or replacement of the existing library building.
Impact on rates: This option would not have any impact on rates from 1 July 2020 as the facility would not be constructed until 2025/26.
Your say: Let us know your views on the proposal to review and take a wider approach to the Leeston community facility project. See the question on the online feedback form or submission form.
Consultation has concluded