Prebbleton Community Centre
Taking time to get the right solution
In the Long-Term Plan 2018–2028 we proposed developing three new community centres including one in Prebbleton.
Since that time we have carried out initial consultation with the Prebbleton community. Although there’s strong support for a new facility, there’s uncertainty around the best location and type of facility it should be. Taking more time to work with the community on planning would help us find the best long-term outcome.
What’s proposed?
Option 1: Our preferred option
Defer the project for more detailed consideration in the Long-Term Plan 2021–2031
We’re now proposing to defer this project for a few years and move the budget ($6 million) from 2020/21 into the LTP 2021–2031, to allow for further planning and consultation with the community.
This option will allow more time to consider the range of community views on the type of facility required, and determine the best location for a centre that will meet long-term needs.
Impact on rates: This project is mainly funded from a mix of borrowing (funded by the community centre targeted rate), reserve development contributions and a land sale. This proposed change, along with other factors such as lower interest rates and the timing of the opening of the indoor courts facility, means that we will not need to increase the community centres targeted rate from 1 July 2020. The targeted rate will remain at $175 compared with the forecast of $185 in the Long-Term Plan.
What are the other options?
Option 2: Proceed with the project this year, as proposed in the Long-Term Plan 2018–2028.
This is no longer a viable option. Based on community consultation it is not considered feasible to proceed with the project in the 2020/21 year. The range of community views on the location and type of community remains wide, and to proceed now would result in a facility that does not meet community needs.
Impact on rates: If it were feasible, this option would mean that the Council would increase the community centre targeted rate from $175 to $180.
Your say: Let us know your views on the proposal to defer this project while further planning and consultation is carried out. See the question on the online feedback form or submission form.
Consultation has concluded