2. Closure of parts of the Upper Ellesmere Water Race network

Water races have been part of the Selwyn landscape for more than 130 years. Today, the Council manages around 1,700 kilometres of water races across the district, primarily to provide drinking water for stock. Water races also provide a water resource for firefighting, irrigation and habitat, as well as enhancing the attractiveness of the rural and urban landscapes they pass through.
There are currently three water race schemes within the district: Ellesmere, Malvern and Paparua. The Ellesmere scheme includes the Upper Ellesmere Water Race network, which is fed through the Glenroy Community Irrigation Company Limited irrigation pond. Following the development of the Central Plans Water (CPW) Irrigation Scheme (Stage 1), there has been demand for the Upper Ellesmere Water Race network to be closed. The reasons include:
- land owners (including those supplied by CPW and other sources) no longer require the source of stock water
- land owners do not want to pay for the cost of the service.
The former Water Race Committee and Council supported the proposal to close the race network through the 2018 and 2021 Long-Term Plans.
For more information about Selwyn water races, see www.selwyn.govt.nz/services/water/water-race
What we’re proposing
It is proposed to close significant parts of the Upper Ellesmere Water Race network over a five-year period. Check the map of the network which shows the constituent races to be closed and the time frame for each closure. The strategic race will remain open for the time being, to supply water to an identified mudfish site. The future closure of the strategic race will be subject to further consultation.
This proposal would not have a direct impact on individual rates, but would result in a reduction in rating income from this activity. This reduction in rating income is estimated to increase to around $500,000 per year over the five years of the closure period. Maintenance costs will also reduce over this period.
Impact on rates: This would have no significant impact on rates, as the funding was already committed.
Have your say
Let us know whether you support the proposal to close parts of the Upper Ellesmere Water Race over a five-year period.
Consultation has concluded