Birchs Road Park
Consultation has concluded

Notice of Requirement stage of this project has now concluded. For information visit the Council website.
(This stage is complete)
Selwyn District Council is seeking feedback from the local community on plans for a new reserve development in the Springs Ward, on Birchs Road, near Prebbleton.
Last year the Council carried out community consultation with sports clubs, community groups, local committees, schools and other organisations to help identify what facilities were needed in the area and what the community wanted.
Got an idea for what we could name the reserve? Let us know!
Some of the main elements identified in the consultation included:
- diverse play experiences and settings, in particular for nature/wilderness/adventure play with a point of difference, especially for older children/teenagers,
- access and provision for informal sporting activity,
- safer bike opportunities within a park setting away from vehicle traffic,
- an off-lead dog exercise area, and
- additional fields for sporting activities
This community feedback has helped to guide the development of a plan for the new reserve.
The overall design reflects an emphasis on walking, cycling and outdoor gathering spaces. It provides a distinct rural parkland experience for active recreation and play users.
Features include
- park and play spaces
- shade
- seating and picnic areas
- an off-leash dog exercise area
- pathways
- bike tracks, including connection to the Little River Rail Trail.
The existing waterway on the site will be enhanced with planting and other initiatives to improve biodiversity and habitat for native fauna, along with bridges, tracks, seating and quiet spaces.
Sports fields will be developed to enable the Council to provide new capacity to meet the growing demand for field-based sport in this area.
This park was initially proposed in the Council’s 2015–2025 Long-Term Plan which was adopted by the Council following public consultation in 2015.
The park was proposed as a part of the Council’s district wide parks network, to provide an outdoor recreational reserve that would complement existing parks such as the Prebbleton and Lincoln domains, and to accommodate the significant population growth forecast in the area.
(This stage is complete)
Your feedback
We now want to hear what you think of the draft plan. You can provide your feedback at a drop-in session or by using the survey below.
Survey/feedback form
You can also download and print a feedback form from the link on the right.
Feedback forms can be dropped off to the Council offices or any library or service centre, or post to:
Freepost 104-653
Selwyn District Council
Birchs Road Park
Attn: Phil Millar
PO Box 90
You can also email feedback to
Feedback on the reserve development closes at 5pm on Friday 13 December.
The Council intends to designate this area of land for ‘Recreation Reserve Purposes’. This will require Council to submit a Notice of Requirement under the Resource Management Act (1991), in a similar manner to a resource consent application. Prior to undertaking this process, we want to hear what you think of the draft plan. There will also be a further opportunity for formal submission on the designation for the proposed recreation reserve in the near future.