More information on the proposed landscaping
As part of the proposed landscaping plans, the Council has developed proposed layout of replacement planting, including treed areas and areas that are to remain unplanted as open corridors for access or to retain open views from each property. New proposed plantings are represented by the following categories, based on size: ‘landmark’ trees, ‘signature’ trees, small trees and shrubs. The plans do not show detail of proposed plant species at this stage, only the size categories.
The proposed landscaping was developed prior to the recent wildfires at Ohau Village and Lake Pukaki and subsequent best practice advice from Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) regarding vegetation setbacks from buildings. The proposed landscaping will be reviewed to include feedback received from the Castle Hill community along with guidance from FENZ.
The proposed landscaping distinguishes between existing and proposed landmark and signature trees. The ‘existing’ trees give an indication of what existed at the time the plans were developed only. These include those existing trees that are listed as wilding pine species under the Canterbury Regional Pest Management Plan and, in this instance, does not necessarily mean that they are to be retained. Rather, if over a period of time existing trees are removed, then these are to be replaced with alternative tree species selected from the proposed planting list.
Consultation has concluded