Increase the level of general rate-funded maintenance above the level funded by NZTA

This option means a higher level of direct maintenance funding by ratepayers, beyond what NZTA provides. The additional work would lower the risk of our roads deteriorating further and needing even more costly repairs at a later stage.
Striking the right balance in funding like this allows us to manage road user expectations for our district.
Additional $1 million per year
Impact on rates
This option will increase the General Rate, based on a property’s capital value as shown below:
Capital Value $ | Annual rate Impact $ |
550,000 | 30 |
800,000 | 38 |
10,000,000 | 360 |
Impact on debt
No impact
Option 1 is our preferred option as it allows us to maintain the local roading network based on our needs assessment, and reduces the risk of deterioration which would end up costing more at a later stage.
Consultation has concluded