Continue our current approach to maintaining safe drinking water supplies, to meet community expectations and comply with regulations
Option 1 means we will only chlorinate remaining non-chlorinated water supplies if our risk assessment or regulation require us to do so. We would maintain the current infrastructure to ensure that water supplies meet national water quality standards. However, as standards and requirements change, we cannot commit to increased spending to remain chlorine-free.
The cost of installing infrastructure to allow for chlorine treatment of all remaining non-chlorinated Council’s water supplies is around $1 million in 2021/22.
Impact on rates
The increase in water rates for installing the infrastructure for chlorine treatment (base rate and volumetric rate) for an average residential property will be around 1%, or about $4 a year. For a ratepayer with water units the increase will be about $2 plus $2 per water unit per year.
Impact on debt
No impact
We support Option 1 because it’s the lowest-cost approach to providing safe drinking water for residents. The Canterbury District Health Board has not yet approved any water safety plans for non-chlorinated water supplies under the new water safety plan framework. Also the new water services regulatory body, Taumata Arowai, may require us to chlorinate all water supplies to meet their regulatory requirements.
Consultation has concluded