Kirwee Recreation Reserve development
Consultation has concluded

Selwyn District Council is seeking feedback from the local community on plans for extending the Kirwee Recreation Reserve.
The Council has been working closely with the Kirwee community and reserve committees over the past two years to engage with local residents, sports clubs and organisations, gathering ideas and input for the reserve development.
Those ideas have now been developed into a master plan for the reserve, which is available for community feedback until late August.
The proposed extension will provide much needed space for both active and passive recreation in the Kirwee area, to meet growing demand for sports fields and community space.
The project will see the existing reserve, on Tramway Road, extended by 6.5 hectares. The Council purchased the additional property in 2011.
Key features of the proposed extension include
- Additional sports fields capacity to meet growing demand
- Open space areas and walkways for recreation and dog exercise
- A community hub with play and recreation areas, picnic and barbeque space
- Additional car parking capacity
Check the links on this page to view the detailed Master Plan, site location plan and cross-section illustration.
The community working party and the Council welcome your feedback and suggestions on the master plan for the development.
Provide your feedback at the drop-in session (see details at the top right of this page) or by using the survey below.
You can also download and print a feedback form from the link on the right.
Feedback forms can be dropped off to the Council offices or any library or service centre, or post to:
Freepost 104-653
Kirwee Recreation Reserve development
PO Box 90
You can also email feedback to
Feedback on the reserve extension closes at 5pm on Thursday 29 August.
Designation and Notice of Requirement
After community feedback, the Council will undertake a formal designation process under the Resource Management Act. This is a similar process to applying for resource consent and requires preparing a Notice of Requirement, including a description of the proposed development and an assessment of effects. If required, the process may include public notification, submissions and a hearing, which can take up to six months. More information is available online, and you can select an option on the feedback form to be kept informed about the process.
For more information on the Designation and Notice of Requirement process, see our information sheet on the right side of this page.