Build a new combined Leeston Library/Service Centre and Community Centre on Leeston Park

This is our preferred option. While it's the more expensive option it provides for a community centre which Leeston currently doesn’t have. A new facility also received strong community support during the last Long-Term Plan consultation.
As the existing Leeston Library building and medical centre is assessed as earthquake prone, subject to weather tightness issues and requiring a large capital investment, we believe the best option is to provide a combined facility. This would be more efficient in terms of both capital and operating costs. The Council has explored other options including re-purposing the Leeston Rugby Football Club building for community use, but this proved to be too expensive.
A needs assessment study also confirmed that Leeston Park was the preferred site for a new community facility to be developed. This site is central, is already a community focal point, and provides a strong presence close to the main street and business area. The Council has acquired land next to Leeston Park, near the RSA building, which could be used for the new facility.
The library/service centre space would be around 600 square metres with adjacent community spaces, and would be built in 2022/23.
$8.9 million funded mainly from borrowing, and part from development contributions (subject to the building being sited on the park). Plus ongoing operating and maintenance costs for the new facility.
Impact on rates
The cost of the new facility has a rate impact equal to $10 per year, which is already provided for within the budgeted Community Centres Targeted Rate; and $9 per year, which is also already provided for within the budgeted Libraries Targeted Rate. This assumes the debt is repaid over 25 years.
Impact on debt
We would need to borrow an extra $8.4 million. This would be repaid by the Community Centres and Libraries Targeted Rates.
Consultation has concluded