Further submissions open on new housing intensification rules
A chance for affected parties to have their say on submissions received on new housing intensification rules, which allow for more housing and at greater heights in relevant residential areas in Rolleston, Lincoln and Prebbleton, opens on Monday 7 November.
The further submission consultation follows the notification of mandatory variations to the Proposed Selwyn District Plan and to eight private plan changes to the Operative Selwyn District Plan in August earlier this year.
“This is an opportunity for those affected, certain interested parties and the Council to respond to an original submission”, says Council Group Manager Development and Growth Tim Harris.
A total of 118 submissions were made on the variation to the Proposed District Plan, covering around 1,200 individual submission points.
A total of 26 submissions were made on the variation to the private plan change (PC) 68 and PC72 in Prebbleton, PC69 in Lincoln and PC71, PC75, PC76 and PC78 in Rolleston, covering around 300 individual submission points.
“Topics attracting most attention through submissions included rezoning land from rural to residential, and the new medium density residential zone, including the permitted density rules allowing for up to three houses, three storeys high without requiring a resource consent”, says Mr Harris.
Further submissions can only be made by a person who has already made a submission on the variation, someone with an interest greater than the public in general (for example if they own property that someone submitted to have rezoned), someone representing a public interest group, or the local authority itself.
A summary of the submissions, along with the original submissions, can be found at www.selwyn.govt.nz/yoursay. Supporting information on how to search the submissions and how to make a further submission is also available online. This information can also be viewed online at all the Council libraries and service centres.
To help with queries about the submission process, people can also contact a free Friend of a Submitter service, provided by the Ministry for the Environment. More details are available at www.selwyn.govt.nz/yoursay.
The further submission period is open until 5pm Friday 18 November.
Consultation closed at 5pm on Friday 18 November 2022.