What is a representation review?

    It’s is a review of the arrangements for electing representatives when local elections are held.

    Why are you doing it?

    All local councils are required to carry out a representation review at least every six years. This is to ensure residents have fair and effective representation at local elections.

    Selwyn District Council undertook the last review in 2021, in preparation for the 2022 elections. So we need to do another review this year (2024), in preparation for 2025 and 2028 local elections.

    What's the current situation?

    At present, the Council is made up of the mayor, who is elected by all voters in Selwyn district (also referred to as at large), and 10 councillors, who are elected by voters within each of the four existing wards: Ellesmere (2), Malvern (2), Rolleston (3), and Springs (3).

    There is also one community board, in the Malvern ward, which has five elected members across three subdivisions: Tawera (1), Hawkins (2), and West Melton (2).

    What are the proposed new wards?

    Tawera Malvern Ward

    This name speaks to the Torlesse Range, Kā Tiritiri O Te Moana the Southern Alps and the Oxford area, and the district stretching from the mountains to the lake and sea.

    Te Waihora Ellesmere Ward

    Te Waihora refers to Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere and the significant role water plays in the district.

    Kā Mānia Rolleston Ward

    Kā Mānia references the plains and the important narratives of navigation, settlement and mahika kai.

    Kā Puna Springs Ward

    Kā Puna refers to the natural springs found along the northern edge of the district and Kā Puna Karikari o Rākaihautū, the springs created by the ancestor Rākaihautū.

    Why do representation arrangements need to change from what’s currently in place?

    The Council’s current electoral representation (10 councillors and four wards) is no longer compliant, so must be changed. 

    Because of the rapid but uneven population growth in Selwyn over recent years, the ratio of population per councillor no longer meets the +/-10% requirement. In particular, the ratio in Rolleston is now well above the average, while the ratio in Malvern and Ellesmere is significantly lower.

    2018 census population*
    2024 projected population
    % increase
    Malvern Ward
    Selwyn Central Ward
    Ellesmere Ward
    Springs Ward

    * Source: Statistics NZ

    This means the current ward boundaries and number of councillors must be reviewed.

    What does the representation review look at?

    How the review is undertaken is set out in the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Council has to consider three key factors when reviewing representation arrangements:

    • Fair representation of electors
    • Communities of interest
    • Effective representation of communities of interest

    What does fair representation mean?

    One of the key requirements for fair representation of electors is that each elected member should represent roughly the same number of people – this helps ensure that all votes are of approximately equal value.

    The population of each ward, divided by the number of members to be elected by their ward, must produce a figure no more than 10% greater or smaller than the population of the district, divided by the total of elected members.

    For example, if the population of a district is 100,000 people and there are 10 elected councillors, the arrangement of wards and councillors must be organised so that each councillor represents around 10,000 people (+ or – 10%).

    This is a key factor in working out the boundaries of wards and number of councillors per ward.

    What is effective representation of communities of interest?

    The legislation does not define what a community of interest is, but the concept includes things like:

    • people feeling a sense of identity and belonging to the area
    • people using the same services
    • elected members being able to represent the interests of the area.

    Achieving effective representation means that wards should be based on communities of interests - that is areas that people identify with and relate to. This helps to determine what ward boundaries should be.

    When deciding the size of wards and their boundaries, communities of interest should not be split. Disparate communities of interest should not be joined together into one ward.

    What are wards and subdivisions?

    Wards and subdivisions are purely ways of splitting up a council area (wards) or community board area (subdivisions) into smaller areas for election purposes. They serve the same function as electorates for national elections. Wards and subdivisions must comply with the requirements for effective representation of communities of interest and fair representation.

    How do the proposed options affect my rates?

    Councillors are funded from district rates, but changes to the ward boundaries or the number of councillors will not have a significant impact on rates. 

    Councillors’ remuneration is based on a fixed pool of funds which is set independently by a government agency, the Remuneration Authority. This amount does not go up or down in relation to the number of councillors. It also means that any change in the number of councillors would not affect the total amount paid to councillors overall, as the total is divided between the number of elected members. 

    Community boards are funded by a targeted rate within the respective ward (see below).

    What are community boards?

    A community board is an elected body that works locally in the specific geographic area it represents. Community boards are often established in wards which cover a wide geographical area and contain groups with significantly different communities of interest. 

    A community board is an unincorporated body and is not a committee of the council. Currently, only the Malvern Ward has a community board.

    Community boards can have a range of purposes including: 

    • representing and advocating for the interests of its local community
    • considering and reporting on matters referred to it by the council
    • maintaining an overview of services provided by the council within the local community
    • preparing submissions to the council for funding within the community
    • communicating with community organisations and special interest groups within the community undertaking any other responsibilities delegated to it by the council.

    How can I have my say?

    You can complete the feedback form online. Printed forms will also be available from Council service centres and libraries.

    When does the preliminary consultation close?

    Consultation is open until 5pm, Thursday 12 September.