Pedestrian walkways through reserve
The proposed design for the reserve shows main pedestrian links that connect to the town centre and the new Tennyson Street precinct. Walkways are wide so that a number of people are able to share the path. There are also a number of cycle parks around the reserve.
Lighting and security cameras are proposed throughout the town centre. Lighting would be time controlled, with no lighting late at night on the reserve except for pathways deemed critical. This would discourage public use activity during the hours of darkness, consistent with police recommendations for community safety and in line with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) recommendations for the space. Street lighting around the reserve would be maintained as usual.
The proposed promenade on the edge of the reserve is retained, creating a link between the Tennyson Street entrance and the town square and town centre car parking. It will be limited to pedestrian, cycle and scooter use only.
If you have any feedback on the proposed pedestrian links, please click here to make an online submission.
Consultation has concluded