Fast Forward to 2028 - our growing and changing district
This is exciting for our district as we see towns, schools, jobs, clubs and communities flourish – but it also brings challenges. As a Council and a community we will face continued pressure to plan for a fast-approaching future and provide the infrastructure, facilities and services that we need to support the district.
The impacts of rapid and continuing growth are spread across all aspects of infrastructure including roading, water networks and solid waste management – as well as the demand for community facilities.
Responding to this pressure will require substantial additional expenditure. Funding this expenditure is the major financial challenge for the Council, and for ratepayers and developers, over the next 10 years.
Our Long-Term Plan aims to ensure Selwyn continues to lead as a community of choice, where people of all ages and backgrounds can make friends, enjoy open space and contribute to our community. The proposals in the plan represent a balance between completing the projects that our communities need and continue to ask for, and keeping rates affordable.
Consultation has concluded