Rates changes 2020/21
This section was prepared before the COVID-19 restrictions. See the introduction for more on the Council’s response, and the consultation proposal to review the level of rates increases.
The average total proposed rates increase across the district in 2020/21 is 3.5%. This is an average, and for individual ratepayers actual movements may be smaller or greater than this amount, depending on their location and the services provided.
The rates increases are generally in line with those set out in the Long-Term Plan 2018–2028.
The 2020/21 rates calculations include a number of changes that were already scheduled in the Long-Term Plan, including:
- A 6% increase in the general rate and the uniform annual general charge
- Recreation Reserve Targeted Rate – increase from $130 to $135
- Water Race rates – increase from $22 to $24, $318 to $337 and $22 to $24
- Swimming Pool Targeted Rates – increase from $177 to $181, $124 to $127 and $44 to $45
- Stormwater Targeted Rate – increase from $94 to $98
Due to the delay in timing of some of the major capital projects in the Community Facilities area, the Community Centre targeted rate has been held at $175, delaying the $10 increase to the 2021/22 financial year.
Other main changes to rates are noted in this consultation document.
Following are examples of rating changes for the 2020/21 year in selected locations, showing the proposed rates compared with the current year. Rate rises for individual properties will also be affected by the valuation movements in the district, as a result of the changes arising from the recent rating valuation.
Consultation has concluded