Why are you looking at changing the approach to how sites and areas of cultural significance are managed in our district?

    Sites and areas of cultural significance recognise the strong relationship that the Rūnanga have with land and water. These sites have historical and contemporary value to them and are vital components of the relationship of mana whenua with the district.

    How are you proposing to manage the potential threats to cultural landscapes which Rūnanga identified in their report on this topic?

    Once sites and areas of cultural significance are identified, certain activities will potentially require a resource consent if they are proposed to be located within a specified distance of a culturally significant site or area. This is to ensure that any adverse effects of the activity on cultural values are managed appropriately. At this stage of the review, however, the precise nature and extent of any new controls has yet to be defined. Further consultation with local Rūnanga and public consultation will help inform the changes for the Proposed District Plan which will then go out for formal public consultation. This is expected to happen in early 2020.

    Where can I find more information about the District Plan Review of sites and areas of cultural significance to date?

    For more information about the Council’s preferred option for draft changes to sites and areas of cultural significance, and all the work done to date as part of the review visit Council website where all the reports developed for the District Plan Review are kept.