Summary of key issues with the current District Plan
As a result of the review of current policies and rules specific to sites and areas of cultural significance, the following issues with the current District Plan have been identified:
- Outdated definition of wāhi tapu and wāhi taonga
- Very limited rules as current District Plan focuses only on management of earthworks and the accidental discovery of artefacts as the tool to protect sites and areas of cultural significance.
- Traditional approach to how sites and areas of cultural significance are identified and protected ie similar to archeological or heritage sites, which overlooks cultural considerations.
- The following potential risks/threats to wāhi tapu and wāhi taonga identified by local Rūnanga are not presently provided for in the current District Plan:
- contaminated land
- subdivision
- vegetation removal and clearance
- disturbance of wetlands, riparian margins and waipuna
- restrictions on access
- structures, utilities and roads
- intensive farming and heavy industry
- commercial forestry
- commercial recreation and tourism.
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