FAQs about family flats
What’s the maximum size you are considering a family flat should be allowed to be?
In residential zones it is recommended that the maximum floor area of 70m2 is kept, while in the Rural Zone it’s recommended to increase it to 90m2.
Currently the maximum gross floor area of permitted family flats in the District Plan is 70m2. However, for those family flats where resource consent has been required, the average floor area is 90m2. The majority of the oversized family flats consented were in the Rural Zone (Inner Plains), which gives support to a larger floor area being considered within the Rural Zone.
Why are you proposing to remove the limit on who may occupy a family flat?
What do the proposed changes to family flats related rules in the current District Plan mean for the property rates and Development Contributions?
Currently properties with a family flat already have to pay partial additional rates for the flat, although these are generally less than for the main dwelling. Development Contributions are a one-off fee that a landowner may have to pay when building to help cover the Council’s cost for sewerage, water, stormwater, reserves and transport. Currently a Development Contribution is required for any new dwelling, including family flats. The charges vary depending on location, and small dwellings, such as family flats, receive a discount.
Any changes to current rates and Development Contributions as a result of potential changes to the current District Plan will be considered by the Council through future Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes.
Where can I find more information about the District Plan Review of family flats to date?