Business: Survey on business land supply in Leeston and Darfield

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Consultation has concluded

About business land supply in Leeston and Darfield

As part of reviewing the current District Plan, we're also assessing business land supply in Leeston and Darfield. This follows from the Area Plans for each of the townships in the Ellesmere and Malvern wards which the Council completed in 2015/16. These Area Plans provide high level planning direction for the growth and sustainable development of each township, as well as identifying issues and opportunities that would inform rezoning of land in future processes.

To help assess business land supply in Leeston and Darfield we’re asking local landowners in the business zones about their aspirations, in particular whether they plan to develop their land further and make more land available to the market. Feedback from these landowners will inform the next stage of assessments and likely the Preferred Options report for business zone matters.

At this stage of the District Plan Review the Council is consulting landowners and focusing questions around land supply. But later in the year there will be general public consultation on a range of issues and draft changes, including in relation to all business zone matters.

About business land supply in Leeston and Darfield

As part of reviewing the current District Plan, we're also assessing business land supply in Leeston and Darfield. This follows from the Area Plans for each of the townships in the Ellesmere and Malvern wards which the Council completed in 2015/16. These Area Plans provide high level planning direction for the growth and sustainable development of each township, as well as identifying issues and opportunities that would inform rezoning of land in future processes.

To help assess business land supply in Leeston and Darfield we’re asking local landowners in the business zones about their aspirations, in particular whether they plan to develop their land further and make more land available to the market. Feedback from these landowners will inform the next stage of assessments and likely the Preferred Options report for business zone matters.

At this stage of the District Plan Review the Council is consulting landowners and focusing questions around land supply. But later in the year there will be general public consultation on a range of issues and draft changes, including in relation to all business zone matters.

Business land supply in Leeston and Darfield

Consultation has concluded