Rolleston Town Centre reaches new milestone
The library and community centre is a key project in the development of the Rolleston Town Centre.
The new facility – located on what is currently part of Rolleston Reserve, near Tennyson Street – will replace the existing library that is now too small for Rolleston and the wider district.
Mayor Sam Broughton says the facility will cater for the increasing needs of the Selwyn district as its population continues to grow. “Thanks to your feedback, our expert designers have created a facility which has spaces and features which reflect innovation and opportunity,” he says.
“The facility will be an asset for the district, and the first step in developing a town centre the people of Selwyn can enjoy and be proud of.”
Did you know? Selwyn’s population is forecast to grow from around 60,000 today to 80,000 by 2028.
How did we get you feedback?
Late last year we spoke to hundreds of residents across Selwyn at libraries, community events, neighbourhood gatherings and online. We asked them to imagine they had travelled through time, and to report back to us about what a future library and community space might look like as well as what kinds of activities could enjoyed. The wonderful feedback we received helped inform the design of the new facility and the innovative features within it.
Consultation has concluded