Key draft changes for the future District Plan
The Council’s District Plan Committee has endorsed the following draft changes for further development, which we’re now consulting on:
In relation to noise:
- Update references to outdated NZ Noise Standards.
- Amend the day time and night time hours associated with zone noise limits to 7am-10pm and 10pm-7am.
- Consider amending the rules so that the noise limits are determined by the zoning of the site receiving the noise and not the site generating the noise.
- Further consider changes so that noise limits don’t apply at the boundary between a site and the road corridor, and how noise outside of the rail corridor should be managed.
- Increase the night time noise limit in residential zones from 35 dB LAeq to 40 or 45 dB LAeq.
- Reduce the day time noise limit in the Rural Zone from 60 dB LAeq to 50 or 55 dB LAeq.
- Further consider amending current specific noise limits and rules for the following activities: temporary training activities, powered watercraft, audible bird scaring devices and aircraft movements.
- Consider new specific noise limits and rules for the following activities: rifle ranges, quarrying (gravel or hard rock quarrying), frost fans, powered motorsport and any other activities identified by other topics.
- Consider the limits and how they can be applied between zones, especially between industrial and rural zones, and business and residential zones, and how to manage noise and reverse sensitivity effects, for example through buffer zones.
- Review all exemptions from the noise limits and confirm whether or not they continue to be appropriate.
- Review noise rules relevant to Christchurch International Airport and the state highways which restrict new sensitive activities.
In relation to vibration:
Consider a package of complementary rules such
as vibration limits for certain activities (eg construction and blasting) and
other rules such as noise and setback provisions to manage vibration.
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