Key draft changes for the future District Plan
The Council’s District Plan Committee has endorsed the following draft
changes for further development, which we’re now consulting on:
- Clearly defining that the excavation of aggregate materials (quarrying) is a rural activity and how the associated industrial activities, such as screening and processing, fit in.
- Develop robust policy framework for quarrying which ensures that related factors, such as noise, earthworks, traffic and dust, are considered and a comprehensive set of rules is developed.
- Outline minimum information requirements for assessing resource consent applications for quarry developments.
- Introduce setbacks between new quarries or existing quarries that are expanding, and sensitive activities, such as residential areas.
- Quarrying within a rural zone, and if adopted, outside of a setback area, to be classified as a discretionary or restricted discretionary activity.
- Explore delegating to the regional council the Council’s function of assessing the adverse effect of dust discharge on amenity values.
- Investigate where the starting point of the quarry setback should be from.
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