Hearings are about to start
Selwyn District Council is close to reaching the next stage of the review of the Operative Selwyn District Plan, with the hearings of submissions and further submissions on the Proposed District Plan about to start.
Hearings have been scheduled based on the topics they fall into. We have identified 30 separate topics, and hearings for each of these topics will occur between 9 August 2021 and June 2022.
The hearings will all be held at the Selwyn Health Hub on Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston, which is opposite the Selwyn District Council offices, and will commence at 9am each day and generally conclude at 5pm.
The Council has appointed a hearings panel with six independent commissioners of which two are iwi commissioners, and four councillors:
- Rob van Voorthuysen (chair of the panel), Gary Rae (co-chair), Lindsay Daysh, Andrew Willis, Yvette Couch-Lewis, Raewyn Solomon
- Councillors Malcolm Lyall, Nicole Reid, Debra Hasson, Mark Alexander.
The first three scheduled hearings, which cover strategic topics, will be heard by the full hearings panel. The rest will be heard by one of two separate panels, chaired by either the chair or the co-chair.
More information on the hearings related information is available on Council’s website at www.selwyn.govt.nz/dprhearings.
Consultation has concluded