Still time to have your say
There’s less than two weeks left to have your say on the Proposed Selwyn District Plan.
The Proposed Plan is basically a ‘rule book’ for what you can or can’t do in the district and what may require a resource consent from the Council.
The plan takes account of the rapid and continuing growth we’ve seen in Selwyn in the last decade and sets rules and policies for where that growth should occur. It aims to help ensure the district continues to grow in a way that meets your needs and those of people moving to join in the great lifestyle and opportunities Selwyn offers.
The Proposed Plan provides a framework for growth and unlocks the economic potential of our district in a sustainable way over the next 10 to 15 years. It provides direction for how townships should grow, and where and what kind of businesses and industries are encouraged.
It also simplifies the zones that help guide what you can and can’t build, maps the risk from natural hazards such as flooding and liquefaction, identifies our heritage sites, buildings and trees and proposes rules to protect our landscape and night sky, Council Environmental and Regulatory Services Planning Manager Ben Rhodes says.
“These are key decisions about where we’re going and what life will look like in the district, so we really want to hear from you.”
“So far we’ve seen a lot of interest in our drop-in sessions and community events, with hundreds of you talking to our planners and asking questions, and we’ve also received 35 submissions. Key areas of interest to date include queries about rezoning or subdividing land, designations, flooding hazard and family flats.”
You can find out more and make a submission on the plan until 5pm Friday 11 December.
Consultation has concluded