Summary of key issues with the current District Plan
As a result of the review of current policies and rules specific to the management of lakes and rivers and their water in the district, we’ve identified the following issues with the current District Plan:
- The water management approach in the current District Plan is too broad and runs the risk of being confusing and overlapping with or duplicating regional council functions. For example, existing rules for structures that pass over or through the surface of waterbodies, and managing effects of land use on water quality, directly overlap with Environment Canterbury’s functions.
- The current District Plan doesn’t recognise the significance of the restoration programme underway for Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere and so doesn’t support it where it could.
- A consistent approach is needed between Selwyn and Christchurch councils for the management of activities affecting the Hurutini/Halswell River and Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere, both of which cross district boundaries.
- Specified widths and types for esplanade reserves and strips1 could be increased in some instances as the current approach doesn’t recognise the water quality, natural character and ecological and cultural benefits of esplanade reserves and strips.
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