Key proposed changes for coastal inundation hazard in the new District Plan

- Map low-lying coastal areas that may be susceptible to coastal inundation over the next 100 years: land that is less than four metres above sea level in rural areas and 5.8 metres above sea level in Rakaia Huts township. The different level for Rakaia Huts reflects the different coastal processes that take place within this township.
- This new coastal inundation area is shown on the map in the Proposed District Plan as a Coastal Inundation Overlay.
- For properties in the Rural Zone, any subdivision or building a new dwelling in an area at risk from coastal inundation would be a non-complying activity. This means that a resource consent would be required and would be difficult to get.
- We are considering slightly less stringent rules for properties in Rakaia Huts that have areas at risk from coastal hazards, when wanting to subdivide or building a new dwelling. This is to recognise that Rakaia Huts township has an existing residential zoning.
Work on an existing building would be permitted under
certain circumstances, ie as long as the risk from coastal hazards wouldn’t
increase with the work.
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