FAQs about managing geotech risk
Why are you proposing to make changes to the way geotechnical risk is managed within the future District Plan?
Since most of the current District Plan became operative more than 10 years ago, our district has experienced a number of natural disasters. We’ve learnt a lot about natural hazards in our district and the importance of having up to date and robust rules and policies in our future District Plan. With the draft changes we need to ensure that areas of significant geotechnical risk within the district are clearly identified and appropriately mitigated.
What will it mean for a landowner if their property comes to be identified within an area of active fault lines, known liquefaction susceptibility or slope instability?
We would like to hear from you about the sorts of things that you think would be required to ensure safe development on properties identified as having a geotechnical risk.
Where can I find more information about the District Plan Review of geotechnical risk to date?
For more information about the Council’s preferred option for draft changes to how geotechnical risk is managed and all the work done to date as part of the review visit Council website where all the reports developed for the District Plan Review are kept.