Final proposal

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Consultation has concluded

After considering submissions on the initial proposal, the Council has adopted its final proposal for representation arrangements for the 2022 local elections. The final proposal is unchanged from the initial proposal.

The final proposal has been publicly notified on Wednesday 10 November 2021. Any person who made a submission on the initial proposal may now lodge an appeal against the Council’s decision. An appeal must relate to the matters raised in that person's submission.

Appeals must be made in writing and must be received by Council no later than 5pm on Monday 13 December 2021.

For more information read our questions and answers on the representation review.


What is the representation review?
Local elections are held every three years so you can decide who will represent you around the Council table. To make sure that residents have fair and effective representation, all councils must review their representation arrangements at least every six years. Selwyn last undertook a representation review in 2015, in preparation for the 2016 elections. So we need to do another review this year (2021).

How the review is undertaken is set out in the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Council must provide for effective representation of communities and their interests, and fair representation of voters. This includes ensuring each elected member represents a similar number of people.


After considering submissions on the initial proposal, the Council has adopted its final proposal for representation arrangements for the 2022 local elections. The final proposal is unchanged from the initial proposal.

The final proposal has been publicly notified on Wednesday 10 November 2021. Any person who made a submission on the initial proposal may now lodge an appeal against the Council’s decision. An appeal must relate to the matters raised in that person's submission.

Appeals must be made in writing and must be received by Council no later than 5pm on Monday 13 December 2021.

For more information read our questions and answers on the representation review.


What is the representation review?
Local elections are held every three years so you can decide who will represent you around the Council table. To make sure that residents have fair and effective representation, all councils must review their representation arrangements at least every six years. Selwyn last undertook a representation review in 2015, in preparation for the 2016 elections. So we need to do another review this year (2021).

How the review is undertaken is set out in the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Council must provide for effective representation of communities and their interests, and fair representation of voters. This includes ensuring each elected member represents a similar number of people.


  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Council welcomes public submissions on the proposed arrangements for next local elections.

    Submissions must be made by no later than 5pm, Monday 4 October 2021.

    Privacy statement
    Please note: submissions are part of the public consultation process, and are a public record. Submission will be made publicly available on the Council website and in official documents. We will remove any contact details.

    Consultation has concluded
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