Summary of key issues with the current District Plan
As a result of the review of current policies and rules specific to signage, we’ve identified the following issues with the current District plan:
- The rules are spread across the Plan and are not contained in a single chapter like most other District Plans.
- The rules don’t provide clear direction and control for signage that isn’t related to a particular site. Typical examples of such signs include trailer-mounted advertising signs parked adjacent to busy roads and intersections, large billboards for advertising purposes and small advertising signs located on fences and other structures. These signs can have an impact on the look and feel of an area and traffic safety.
- Signage on Council-owned roads, parks and reserves could be more efficiently and clearly controlled by a Council Bylaw or clearer rules in the District Plan. For example, signs for naming and directional purposes related to local parks often have a functional need and serve a public good and therefore could be more enabled.
- Temporary signage needs to be better managed to avoid the proliferation of such signage, especially at prominent intersections. Examples include signs erected to advertise upcoming events.
- The rules provide limited control regarding digital signage which is a new and rapidly emerging technology.
- The rules relating to signage next to state highways do not reflect the NZ Transport Agency’s current guidance on traffic safety.
- The rules do not provide sufficient or clear control of non-council signage located on Council land, ie sandwich boards on footpaths.
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