Summary of key issues with the current District Plan
As a result of the review of current policies and rules specific to transport, we’ve identified the following issues with the current District Plan:
- There are currently no rules for Integrated Transport Assessments (ITAs) to be required as part of a resource consent. An ITA is a detailed assessment of how a new development could impact on the operation of the wider road network and what contribution the development should make to any upgrades.
- Smaller roads, such as cul de sacs and streets serving more intensive housing areas, are sometimes not wide enough to provide space for amenity strips ie grass berms. This reduces streetscape amenity and the ability to provide footpaths on both sides of the road and space for wheelie bins and vehicles to easily manoeuvre. Wide vehicle crossings on these streets also reduce the area of frontage available for on-street parking.
- Smaller roads, such as cul de sacs or streets serving more intensive housing development, aren’t providing sufficient space for footpaths, while large neighbourhood blocks are not providing enough pedestrian and cycling connections. In addition, the availability and design of cycle parks in town centres are also proving to be insufficient. These issues are discouraging people from walking and cycling and having safe and convenient access to public transport and other destinations.
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