When would resource consent applicants have to include an integrated traffic assessment as part of their consent?

    It’s proposed that the threshold for determining when an integrated traffic assessment is required as part of a resource
    consent application would be based on the scale of activity, such as the number and type of vehicles generated by the activity. The threshold is targeted at activities that are likely to generate high traffic volumes which could require network upgrades beyond the development site.

    Why are you considering reducing the maximum width of vehicle crossings in residential areas with medium density development?

    The Plan currently includes a standard vehicle crossing width (6m maximum and 3.5m minimum) that applies to all road categories. This width works for the majority of roads serving residential areas where there is sufficient frontage available to provide adequate streetscape amenity. However, the maximum 6m width for smaller roads, such as cul de sacs and streets
    serving more intensive housing areas, is proving to be too wide where the frontage is less than 15m in length. Under these circumstances it’s considered appropriate to investigate having a maximum vehicle crossing width of 3.5m to ensure there is
    sufficient amenity strip for streetscape amenity (grass berm and street trees), on-street parking and wheelie bins.

    What changes are you considering to encourage more people to walk, cycle and access public transport?

    Walking, cycling and access to public transport can be encouraged by requiring double-sided footpaths and through connections within smaller roads and cul de sacs, reducing the size of walkable blocks in residential neighbourhoods, and improving cycle parking facilities within town centres.

    Would the existing smaller roads require footpaths on both sides if the draft change is introduced?

    This is to be decided through Long-Term Plan process. Primary purpose of the draft change is to encourage new smaller roads to have two-sided foothpaths.

    How are you considering to support public transport services in the district through the new District Plan?

    By including public transport objectives and policies in the new District Plan we aim to encourage integrated land use and subdivision development that encourages the use of public transport. This will enable the methods for achieving these outcomes to be referenced directly in the Plan. For example, it could include the need for Council to consider the establishment of specific public transport facilities, such as the provision of a segregated public transport corridor between Christchurch City and Rolleston and Park N’ Ride facilities. However, any costs incurred in establishing these facilities would need to be determined through Asset Management Plan and Long Term Plan processes.

    Where can I find more information about the District Plan Review of transport related rules to date?

    For more information about the Council’s preferred option for draft changes to transport and all the work done to date as part of the review visit Council website where all the reports developed for the District Plan Review are kept.