Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes
Consultation has concluded

The Council has approved speed limit changes across the district.
See a full list of changes on this page under 'Background information'.
Changes to speed limits on 31 roads were approved by Council and will come into effect on 1 August 2019. The Council also requested a review to consider reducing the speed limit to 40km/hr in urban areas, particularly around schools. The review is to be completed by the end of the year.
The majority of the changes were to reduce the speed limit to 60km/hr on sections of 25 roads, removing all 70km/hr speed limits in theContinue reading
The Council has approved speed limit changes across the district.
See a full list of changes on this page under 'Background information'.
Changes to speed limits on 31 roads were approved by Council and will come into effect on 1 August 2019. The Council also requested a review to consider reducing the speed limit to 40km/hr in urban areas, particularly around schools. The review is to be completed by the end of the year.
The majority of the changes were to reduce the speed limit to 60km/hr on sections of 25 roads, removing all 70km/hr speed limits in the district.
Other changes see Ivey Road and a section of Shands Road around Selwyn Road to Robinsons Road reduced to 80 km/hr. Tramway Road will become 50km/hr from between High Street and West Coast Road. Devine Drive and Avonie Place will become 40km/hr, along with Weedons Ross Road in the vicinity of Weedons School and Robinsons Road in the vicinity of Broadfield School.
Consultation now closed
Public consultation is now open on the Council's Speed Limit Changes 2018.
The Council proposes to introduce 40 km/hr School Zone speed limits, changes to all 70 km/hr speed limits and some 100 and 80 km/hr speed limits.
Public consultation on the proposed speed limits runs from Thursday 6 December 2018 until 5pm, 15 February 2019.
Please note: The Council is also consulting on its Draft Speed Limits Bylaw. The Council proposes to update the existing 2006 Speed Limit Bylaw, referencing the latest national Land Transport Setting of Speed Limits Rule which regulates how speed limits are set and managed.
You can view the Draft Speed Limits Bylaw consultation page here.
The main speed limit changes proposed include:
the proposed speed limit reduction to 40 km/hr on urban school road frontages.
the proposed speed limit reduction to a variable 40 km/hr school zone speed limit on Weedons Ross Road fronting Weedons School and Robinsons Road fronting Broadfield School.
the proposed speed limit reduction to 60 km/hr of the current 70 km/hr speed restrictions.
the proposed speed limit reduction from 100 km/hr to 60 km/hr on Tramway Road, Dunsandel, south to Irvines Road and on Irvines Road, Dunsandel, west to Tramway Road.
the proposed speed limit reduction from 100 km/hr to 60 km/hr on Taumutu Road, Southbridge.
the proposed speed limit reduction from 100 km/hr to 60 km/hr on Pocock Road, Springfield.
the proposed speed limit reduction from 100 km/hr to 50 km/hr on Devine Drive and Avonie Place.
the proposed extension to the 80 km/hr speed limit on Shands Road to 100 m south of Robinsons Road.
the proposed speed limit reduction from 100 km/hr to 80 km/hr on Ivey Road.
Your say – make a submission on the Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes 2018
Make a submission on the survey below, or you can write to us. Submissions are invited on the proposed changes to be called the "Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes 2018."
Consultation runs from Thursday 6 December 2018 until 5pm, 15 February 2019.
The proposed speed limit changes can be downloaded below on this page. Hard copy booklet is also available during ordinary office hours at the Selwyn District Council Service Centres in Darfield (Darfield Service Centre, South Terrace), Leeston (Leeston Library, High Street), Lincoln (Lincoln Service Centre, Gerald Street) and Rolleston (Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston). Copies can also be requested by phoning 347 2800.
Submissions on this proposal must be made in writing. In order for a submission to be accepted it must state:
- your name, postal address, phone or fax and e-mail address;
- whether you support or oppose the proposal or particular aspects of it;
- your reasons;
- any changes that you wish us to make;
- whether you wish to speak at a hearing; and
- signed (if posted or faxed) and dated.
Submissions in writing can be addressed to:
Proposed Speed Limit Changes 2018
Selwyn District Council
P O Box 90
Or similarly faxed to (03) 347 2799.
For more information please contact Mark Chamberlain Asset Engineer Transportation by phoning the council or email
Review of Speed Limits at Schools and 70 km/hr restrictions
Share Review of Speed Limits at Schools and 70 km/hr restrictions on Facebook Share Review of Speed Limits at Schools and 70 km/hr restrictions on Twitter Share Review of Speed Limits at Schools and 70 km/hr restrictions on Linkedin Email Review of Speed Limits at Schools and 70 km/hr restrictions linkThe proposed speed limit on the streets that front the schools is 40 km/hr as a permanent speed limit. The 40 km/hr speed limit proposed to start at a point 90 metres in advance of the existing PW2 School warning signs.
The signs are to be the RG1 with the School Zone supplementary.
Following a review of speed limits in November 2017 – which was mainly related to growth in the townships and extending the 80 km/hr rural speed limits – it was decided that speed limits at schools be reviewed due to the public submissions received as part of the consultation which requested lower speed limits at schools.
Where speed limits in townships were changed as part of the 2017 review, the 70 km/hr speed limits were reviewed and reduced to 60 km/hr or 50 km/hr in line with the NZTA Speed Management Guide. The remaining 70 km/hr speed limits were reviewed along with the school speed limits.
Urban School Speed Limits
The majority of urban schools are within the 50 km/hr urban speed limit. They have school warning signs in place and have the high activity times at morning and afternoon.
Many schools also have activity outside of the peak times including weekends. Feedback from NZTA as part of the 2017 review suggested a 40 km/hr speed limit on some of our new subdivision roads. It was considered that if a permanent 40 km/hr speed limit is considered appropriate for those urban streets (and maybe urban streets generally in the future) then it should be appropriate for outside schools that have much more activity than those subdivisions. So this has been used as the starting point.
Rural School Speed Limits
Share Rural School Speed Limits on Facebook Share Rural School Speed Limits on Twitter Share Rural School Speed Limits on Linkedin Email Rural School Speed Limits linkRural schools (on roads with 70 km/hr or greater) have the 40km/hr When Children Present signs installed.
On roads with a 80 km/hr speed limit a variable 40 km/hr School Zone speed limit is considered appropriate and has been requested by those schools (Weedons and Broadfield). With the reduced school activity outside of the peak times on these rural roads a permanent 40 km/hr speed limit is not appropriate.
The variable 40 km/hr School Zone speed limit requires the installation of electronic signs and agreement by the school to operate them. There is no current funding for the sign installation so the implementation of the speed limit would have to wait until funding is approved. Until that time the existing "40 When Children" signs would remain.
The only school on a rural road with the 100 km/hr open road speed limit is Greendale School. With the low traffic volumes, low school activity and activity on one side only the 40 When Children Present signs are considered appropriate.
Ladbrooks School is within a 60 km/hr speed limit. If a 40 km/hr speed limit is implemented it would likely replace the whole of the 60 km/hr speed limit which is considered incongruous in that rural location.
Township 70 km/hr Speed Limits
Share Township 70 km/hr Speed Limits on Facebook Share Township 70 km/hr Speed Limits on Twitter Share Township 70 km/hr Speed Limits on Linkedin Email Township 70 km/hr Speed Limits linkThe existing 70 km/hr speed limits in townships have all been proposed to be reduced to 60 km/hr. The only exception is Tramway Rd in Kirwee which is proposed to be reduced to 50 km/hr. The existing 100 km/hr speed limit on Tramway Rd and Irvines Rd on the fringe of the rural residential development of Dunsandel is proposed to be reduced to 60 km/hr. The existing 100 km/hr speed limit on Taumutu on the approach to Southbridge is proposed to be reduced to 60 km/hr. The existing 100 km/hr speed limit on Pocock Rd on the fringe of Springfield is proposed to have a 60 km/hr speed limit. -
State Highway Speed Limits
Share State Highway Speed Limits on Facebook Share State Highway Speed Limits on Twitter Share State Highway Speed Limits on Linkedin Email State Highway Speed Limits linkGlentunnel School and Windwhistle School are on SH77 and Tai Tapu School has SH75 on one side of the school. Therefore, management of the speed limit is the responsibility of the NZTA which will be consulted on the speed limits generally. It may choose to review the speed limit on the state highway at these schools. -
Other Speed Limits
Share Other Speed Limits on Facebook Share Other Speed Limits on Twitter Share Other Speed Limits on Linkedin Email Other Speed Limits linkThe speed limits within the Claremont subdivision off Waterholes Road did not have a reduced speed limit put in place when developed. Therefore, a 50 km/hr speed limit is proposed. On Shands Road the 80 km/hr speed limit begins south of Selwyn Road. With the application of the 80 km/hr speed limit on Robinsons Road between Selwyn Road and Shands Road, the change in speed limit near the Shands Road intersection has signs installed in front of Broadfield School. This has caused some confusion and added to the existing sign “clutter”. To remove the need for signs near the intersection it's proposed to extend the 80 km/hr speed limit on Shands Road to south of Robinsons Road. Ivey Road off Dawsons Road has a proposed 80 km/hr speed limit because it has been omitted when the reductions were put in place on surrounding roads.
Life Cycle
Open for feedback
Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes has finished this stageTell us what you think about the Proposed Speed Limit Changes 2018.
Public consultation closed
Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes has finished this stageYour feedback will inform Council decision making.
Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes has finished this stageA public hearing may be held in early 2019 if people wish to speak to their submissions on the Proposed Speed Limit Changes 2018.
Selwyn District Proposed Speed Limit Changes is currently at this stageThe Council has approved the Speed Limits Changes 2018.